Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Christmas 1969 ish at George and Kate Newman's
Front row Peter and Susie Miazga,Jennifer Collier
Second row
Bill and Carrie Collier, Cynthia Ralph and Matthew Newman
Back Row
Duncan Ralph, George Newman [Pa] Eliza Ralph, Lesie Newman, Kate Newman [Gramma ]
missing Doug Newman

Sent by Cassie
George and Kate, headed out on the town. No idea what year this is but Mother sure looks glamorous. this was taken at the Schenk's house on Lakeshore Rd. Note the cigarette but no cigar ;o)

Here is nancy and Mary Sue Stonehouse 2009. Hope Cassie can make it next year.

Only Newman girls missing in this photo are Nancy and Cassie. We had a great time. Janet had a handwritting expert come and we all learned a little something about ourselves
Gini, Janet, Jane Missy and Mary Sue.

here is the complete photo of Cassie presenting the trophy to Matt McDougall and Acclamation at the St. Catharines horse show.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Kate Coy on her wedding day

Always glamourous and fashionable. presenting trophy at St. Catharines horse show